

Introduction of my Story on Nehemiah Podcast: Rising Hope in South Sudan with Jacob Guot

March 12, 2022

My vision of Rising Hope in South Sudan came from the book of Nehemiah. So, my goal is to tell my story through Nehemiah’s viewpoint, because I am in exile like Nehemiah, and my home country needs rebuilding. This is why I have invited Rt. Rev. Bishop Anyieth to bless my ministry work before its kick-off. This podcast will be in Dinka.

Reconstructing Ourselves with the Renewal of Our Lives

February 23, 2022

Regarding the rebuilding of the walls of restoration, the Bible says, “The remnant there in the province who had survived the exile is in great trouble and shame. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire.”

January 2022 Update

February 6, 2022

My vision of Rising Hope in South Sudan came from the book of Nehemiah. So, my goal is to tell my story through Nehemiah’s viewpoint. I am in exile like Nehemiah, and my home country needs rebuilding. And this is why I have invited Rt. Rev. Bishop Anyieth to bless my ministry work before its kick-off.

Christmas Update: Wall Construction Underway

December 22, 2021

Thank you for helping us make a difference in Bor, South Sudan! The COVID-19 pandemic slowed everything, and it took us longer to finish our Perimeter Wall Project at Rising Hope Christian Center.

Fall 2021 Updates

November 3, 2021

We are praising God that we’ve received enough money to begin construction on the final phase of the wall. Construction is resuming now and we have sufficient funds to complete nearly the entire wall. The only part lacking will be the gate. We are praying the remaining $6,000 will come in to finalize the project before the new year.

Stimulus Challenge March 2021

April 11, 2021

This past year has been a wild ride. For better or worse, I have tended to do a lot of sighing when thinking of you (as individuals or families) as I pray for you. That’s in part, because I miss you, but it’s also because so many of you are finding these days challenging.

A Nation of Refugees

September 21, 2016

One of the leaders in the refugee camps has written to Jacob to report that the camps at Kirangdongo and Yumba have been closed. Food shortages are severe; lack of leadership is hindering food rations from getting to those who need them most.

Lessons from Costa Rica

August 18, 2016

“I see you like a Martin Luther King or a Gandhi, bringing change to your people.” ASC President Jacob Guot recently attended a missions seminar in Costa Rica where a man named Alex challenged him to rethink his focus.