
Stimulus Challenge March 2021


This past year has been a wild ride. For better or worse, I have tended to do a lot of sighing when thinking of you (as individuals or families) as I pray for you. That’s in part, because I miss you, but it’s also because so many of you are finding these days challenging. I have gained a greater appreciation this year for Paul’s statement about joy and gratitude when he thinks of the church. So – here’s a smile as I think of you today. 🙂

Some of you will be receiving another round of COVID-19 stimulus money from the Federal government as early as this week. No, it isn’t as much as the last year has cost many of you. But it’s something. For those of you who haven’t lost any income, I have a challenge for you.

IF you haven’t lost any income as a result of this prolonged shut-down, the stimulus money coming your way is “extra.” I want to challenge you to do a “double-tithe” with this stimulus money: 

1.  Give the first 10% to your local church.
2.  Give 50% to Africa Sunrise, which we will use for the amazing mission God has put on our hearts for Africa.
3.  SAVE the rest (or be generous with it).

Please don’t go on a spending spree. Instead, be (a little) generous first – and save what’s left. If you (still don’t have an emergency fund ($1,000 if you’re married or have kids, $500 if you’re single), then please do so NOW. If you already have a fully-funded emergency fund, then use what’s left of the stimulus money begin setting aside “extra savings” or continue to be generous with Kingdom-focused ministries in our community, and the world.

Our 2021 Initiative


This wall will provide the protection for our workers and materials so we can move forward with building the school.

We need to raise $35,000 above and beyond normal giving (and our normal budget) to make this happen, which will fund the growth of God’s kingdom in Africa, and make all our future steps possible.

“So we built the wall. And all the wall was joined together … for the people had a mind to work.” (Nehemiah 4:6)

A Final Word 

If you have lost income and are struggling to pay for food, clothing, and shelter, then please know this challenge is ONLY meant for people who have NOT lost income as a result of the pandemic shutdowns.

Thank you for being willing to consider this challenge and for continuing to pray for and support what God is doing in and through us.

Jacob Guot, Executive Director
Africa Sunrise Ministries