

Bor Wall Fence Project – Phase 1

Perimeter wall on our land in Bor, South Sudan. This wall completely encloses our property and will provide security for our school and other buildings, which are on the drawing board to be built next.

Stimulus Challenge March 2021

This past year has been a wild ride. For better or worse, I have tended to do a lot of sighing when thinking of you (as individuals or families) as I pray for you. That’s in part, because I miss you, but it’s also because so many of you are finding these days challenging.

Africa Sunrise Update: August 2019

This is the latest report on our project of building a school in Bor. We at Africa Sunrise Communities have given the name Rising Hope Christian Center to the overall project. After the perimeter security wall is in place, we will begin building the Akechkuai School. Our goal is that eventually we will have other buildings surrounding the school, a church, and perhaps even a medical clinic.

Water Well Repair

Land Acquisition in Bor

Info about the land aquired

News from South Sudan!

A quick post to say that Jacob returned from South Sudan in mid-July after a successful two weeks in Juba and Bor Town.  We have details to share in the coming weeks, but here are a couple of quick snapshots.  He saw family, met with government leaders about permits and construction plans, and worshiped with the Episcopal Church community.  

Building partnerships in Bor Town

The next steps in Africa Sunrise Communities’ school-building project are underway.  Executive Director Jacob Guot will arrive in South Sudan in a day or two. He will spend two weeks completing necessary steps for construction to begin.

The shoeshine boy wants to go to school

We heard about the shoeshine boy in Bor in one of Jacob’s accounts of his trip there last January. This enterprising youngster is one of Africa Sunrise’s prospective students, insofar as he has expressed an interest in being in school but said his parents cannot afford to send him to school right now.

The ‘donkey story’ is about all of us

You could say that Africa Sunrise Communities is like the cripple who needed friends to bring him to Jesus. We need friends to bring our mission to new generation of South Sudan. Help us with a prayer. But also help us by spreading the word of our work and making a donation to support our work.

ASC’s school in Bor to be named “Akechkuai Living Hope School”

In their first meeting of 2018, the Africa Sunrise Communities (ASC) Board of Directors welcomed new members and approved conceptual plans for a new school in Bor, South Sudan. The school will be built on land recently acquired by ASC on the “Airport Road” in Bor.  ASC announced their land acquisition on this page in April of this year, here.  At their meeting on May 19th, the Board: