

Embracing My Yellow Spirit: The Name that Connects

In Dinka culture, names carry deep meaning and identity. Today, I proudly wear the name “Thonmayen”—which translates to “Yellow Bull of Cow”—a vibrant symbol of strength, resilience, and distinction. For those unfamiliar with it, my yellow spirit flows through the name “Thonmayen,” and I’m embracing this connection today. To my American friends, you might see […]

2025 Transition to Kenya

Dear Friends,  Africa Sunrise Communities and the Rising Hope Community Center project need your help urgently! Rising expenses in South Sudan are depleting our bank account. We must build it back up in order to continue our work in establishing our school in my hometown of Bor. Please read through this report to see the […]

Progress Report on Rising Hope Christian Center

Dear Friends, We are almost ready for School Phase 1! The final touches on the security wall around the compound in Bor, South Sudan, are nearing completion. Progress has been hampered by weather and inflation, but now the final layers of block are being laid and the razor wire is going on top of that. Our next task is […]

Wall Project – Phase 2

Radio Broadcast

Mission and Objectives of Africa Sunrise Communities

We seek to empower leaders in East Africa through pastoral care and holistic living. We seek to restore communities by reconciling relationships. We work to empower the leadership of local communities with clear goals to establish a lasting impact on South Sudan.

Help Us Complete the Wall!

Education is crucial to preparing the next generation of leaders for South Sudan, a country that received its independence just eleven years ago. It has one of the lowest literacy rates in the world. My vision is to build an elementary school at the Rising Hope Christian Center in Bor. But the wall must be finished first, or all our good work will be in vain!

Dealing with Unforgiveness is the Key to a Future for South Sudan

However, the fruit of forgiveness in our community is the possibility for great prosperity for our people. If we work together, there is no limit to how we can rebuild and improve our people and our community.

Nehemiah, my Life Role Model

Nehemiah could have used his current position as an excuse not to try to do anything about Jerusalem, but he did not do that. Instead, he went out, sent of God, and with the support of the king, to undertake the task of rebuilding his beloved city.

Hope is Unshakable Confidence in God

I feel my people can be a success in the places where they have scattered. I ask those of you who’ve settled in other places not to lose heart and not to give up praying, difficult though it might be.