
Verse: “And you saw the affliction of our fathers in Egypt and heard their cry at the Red Sea.”— Nehemiah 9:9 (ESV).

Nehemiah 9 reveals the Israelites confessing their sins and remembering God’s faithfulness. Despite their exile, God heard their cries and showed mercy. For the South Sudanese in the West, this chapter is a reminder that God sees your struggles and hears your longing for peace and unity.
As exiles, you may feel disconnected, but God calls you to reflect on your shared history and renew your commitment to rebuild both your lives and your homeland. Confession is not about guilt, but about recognizing where change is needed and seeking God’s guidance. Just as Nehemiah led the people in renewing their covenant, you are called to renew your dedication to God and the future of South Sudan.

Prayer for Renewal

Heavenly Father,
We confess our failings and thank You for Your endless mercy. Just as You heard the cries of the Israelites, we trust You hear us now. Guide us as we renew our commitment to You and to rebuilding our homeland. Strengthen our resolve and lead us by Your Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.