Christmas Update: Wall Construction Underway

Dear Partners of Africa Sunrise Communities,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for helping us make a difference in Bor, South Sudan! The COVID-19 pandemic slowed everything, and it took us longer to finish our Perimeter Wall Project at Rising Hope Christian Center.
BUT … thank God, this month we sent $30,000 to our engineer/builder to finish Phase 3 of the wall surrounding our property! That is a WOW!

Thank you for helping us get this first visible project out of the ground. We can now apply to major donors (individuals and foundations) to build the school facilities and begin ministries.

Thank you!

Wall Project

As you consider all the requests you have for end-of-year giving, let me add Africa Sunrise Communities to your active list. The perfecting touch on the Perimeter Wall Project includes two more items you can help with:

You may also make an undesignated gift on this site. Or send a check to:

Africa Sunrise Communities
P.O. Box 82
Wilmore KY 40390

Have a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! I appreciate you!

Jacob Thon Guot, Executive Director
Africa Sunrise Communities