
Changing the World Begins with Changing Ourselves

May 6, 2022

Changing the world begins with changing ourselves. We need to change our minds about those who may have hurt us, change our hearts, and maybe even change our lifestyles. Just as Nehemiah turned straight to prayer and holiness as the cure for his nation’s state of collapse, we can impact our world today if we work on changing ourselves first.

Whether We Are in Exile or Not, We Must Love Our Country Enough to Give Back

April 21, 2022

Why do I choose the life of Nehemiah as a model for my life? Why do I like to share with our South Sudanese community worldwide? As Nehemiah did, I have a dream today that God will free his people from all forms of slavery one day!

The Power of Three Words in My Life: Reconciliation Rehabilitates

April 18, 2022

When we were in the refugee camps, it was challenging to make a life. Settling in a place has no meaning if life is not aimed at achieving a reasonable level of quality: equity, equality, expectancy, education, and employment. An unpredictable life can cause a person to experience all the essential, measurable areas of disadvantage.

The Power of Three Words in My Life: Restoration

April 8, 2022

Restoration is the act of repairing or renewing the history of one’s life when something has been taken from us, especially something we find painful to lose. Restoration of what was lost helps us put the past to rest and move on toward the future.

The Power of Three Words in My Life

April 1, 2022

I have three critical words in my life: empowerment, restoration, and reconciliation. We are empowered both by and for God. Our future is restoration and reconciliation.

Introduction of my Story on Nehemiah Podcast: Rising Hope in South Sudan with Jacob Guot

March 12, 2022

My vision of Rising Hope in South Sudan came from the book of Nehemiah. So, my goal is to tell my story through Nehemiah’s viewpoint, because I am in exile like Nehemiah, and my home country needs rebuilding. This is why I have invited Rt. Rev. Bishop Anyieth to bless my ministry work before its kick-off. This podcast will be in Dinka.

Reconstructing Ourselves with the Renewal of Our Lives

February 23, 2022

Regarding the rebuilding of the walls of restoration, the Bible says, “The remnant there in the province who had survived the exile is in great trouble and shame. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire.”