Lessons from Costa Rica
August 18, 2016
“I see you like a Martin Luther King or a Gandhi, bringing change to your people.” ASC President Jacob Guot recently attended a missions seminar in Costa Rica where a man named Alex challenged him to rethink his focus.
A Warm Welcome in Lancaster, PA
August 9, 2016
On the weekend of July 23-24, 2016, Jacob Guot visited the First United Methodist Church in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. He was accompanied by his whole family – his wife, Rebecca, his son Biar (7), his daughter Angieth (6), and his son Ayiei (nearly 3).
ASC President to Speak in Lancaster, PA
July 23, 2016
Come hear ASC President Jacob Guot speak at First United Methodist Church in Lancaster, PA, the weekend of Sunday, July 24, 2016. He will be sharing his story and his vision for work among the refugees of South Sudan in the three Sunday morning services.
Renewed Fighting in Juba Threatens Thousands
July 16, 2016
On the heels of its fifth anniversary of independence, fighting has again broken out in South Sudan. ASC requests prayer for all involved and prays that God will intervene in the country’s suffering.
Agriculture in Refugee Camps
March 23, 2016
Within the settlement camps in Uganda, South Sudanese refugees are using their agricultural skills to raise funds for their children’s school fees.
Worsening Violence and Food Shortage in South Sudan
February 21, 2016
Two recent articles from the Sudan Tribune newspaper tell of worsening violence and the dire need for food among people in South Sudan.
Jacob’s Journey
February 10, 2016
I became one of the “Lost Boys” in 1987. We lost everything – our families, our homes, and even our country.
Educational Trouble in South Sudan
January 28, 2016
Imagine half the children in the state of Georgia not being able to go to school. (Both Georgia and South Sudan have a population of about 10 million.) What would happen if this scenario held true here in America?
Thousands Flee Fighting in Western Equatoria State of South Sudan
January 12, 2016
It seems South Sudan hasn’t seen peace since the creation of Adam and Eve. Its inhabitants may never see peace anytime soon, unless people of good conscience and benevolence would step in and help the most overlooked humans in the world.
December 1, 2015 Update
December 1, 2015
We have been notified that hundreds of thousands of civilians are fleeing the cities of Jalle Payam and Maar as a result of another heavy attack from the rebels.