

Jacob’s Journey

I became one of the “Lost Boys” in 1987. We lost everything – our families, our homes, and even our country.

Educational Trouble in South Sudan

Imagine half the children in the state of Georgia not being able to go to school. (Both Georgia and South Sudan have a population of about 10 million.) What would happen if this scenario held true here in America?

Thousands Flee Fighting in Western Equatoria State of South Sudan

It seems South Sudan hasn’t seen peace since the creation of Adam and Eve. Its inhabitants may never see peace anytime soon, unless people of good conscience and benevolence would step in and help the most overlooked humans in the world.

December 1, 2015 Update

We have been notified that hundreds of thousands of civilians are fleeing the cities of Jalle Payam and Maar as a result of another heavy attack from the rebels.

Video Update: November 19, 2015

ASC President Jacob Guot explains the current situation in the state of Jonglei, South Sudan.

After This Devastating News, What’s Next?

As the world looked on the November 13 Paris attacks in horror, another horror was occurring in South Sudan. Rebel forces swept through Maar Village killing women, children, and the elderly without heed. ASC’s President, Jacob Thon Guot lost 23 family members and another 80 people in the village were wounded. Thousands of people have fled the area.